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Compression Porometer

Compression Porometer

The pore structure characteristics of products experiencing considerable stress during service could be appreciably different from those evaluated in the labora...


The pore structure characteristics of products experiencing considerable stress during service could be appreciably different from those evaluated in the laboratory. This award winning instrument provides a unique opportunity for evaluating the component under true service conditions.


The Automated Compression Porometer is designed to characterize the pore structure of a material under compression. Industries worldwide use the PMI Compression Porometer for R&D and quality control. Samples often tested include filter media, membranes, paper and battery separators. The instrument permits tests to be carried out under simulated true service conditions.

Applicable industries:

Automotive Battery Separator

Filtration Geotextiles

Textiles Biotech

Nonwovens Paper Fuel Cells

Operation Principle

A fully wetted sample sandwiched between two porous and rigid plates is placed in the sample chamber. The plates are much more porous than the sample. Compressive stress is applied on the plates. Gas pressure behind the sample is increased. When the pressure is sufficiently high, the largest pore is emptied and has starts to fow. With increase in pressure, smaller pores are emptied and the flow rate increases through the sample. The flow rate and pressure are measured using wet and dry samples. These data are used to calculate the ejects of compressive stress on pore size and pore distribution. The pore size is obtained from differential pressure.


· Measures effects of compressive stress on the largest pore diameter (bubble point), the mean flow pore diameter, pore distribution, and permeability

· Fully Automated

· Windows based software for data acquisition, storage and reduction

· Compressive stress adjustable by the operator

Items Parameters
Pressure Size Range 0.013-500 microns (Others Available)
Permeability Range 1x 10 1x 10 (microflow)
Sample Size 0.5" - 2.5" diameter
Pressure Transducer Range 0 - 500 psi
Resolution 1 in 20,000
Accuracy 0.15% of reading
Pressurizing gas Clean, dry and compressed air or non-flammable and non corrosive gas
Mass Flow Transducer Range 10 cm³/min -
Power Requirements 110/120 VAC, 50/60Hz
Dimensions 30" H x 19" W x 18.5" D
Weight 100 lbs
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