4 General
This method is used to assess the protection of the test sample, which can be a garment or a full set of clothing. Function of two materials for performance structure and design. The sample is placed in an adult size body model that is exposed to the laboratory simulation fire under environmental air conditions with controlled heat flux, duration, and flame distribution. During the test, data acquisition, calculated results and preparation test reports are programmed with computer hardware and software.
Heat, which uses the transfer of the exposure by the test sample to be measured by a heat flux sensor. These measurements will be used to calculate the second and third degrees and the total burn region from the exposure. They can also be used to calculate the time in pain and the first degree burn. Test environment, test conditions, opinions, and speech test objectives and identification. The exposure of the test piece is recorded and is included as part of the test report. The performance of the sample is represented by the calculated total energy of the transmitted total, the burn area and the test of the sample are represented by the exposure.
5 Equipment5.1 Detecting human body model
The shape and size of the erect human model adult form should be used (see Figure 1). The structure of the human body should be to simulate the human body and should include head, chest / back, abdomen / buttocks, arms, hands, legs and feet. The flame retardancy, thermally stable material, such as the human body model in the ceramic or glass fiber reinforced vinyl ester resin should be constructed. The thickness of the shell should be at least 3 mm.
A repeatable positioning system is required. It can set the position of the vertical direction and the arm on the floor by pin locator, portable rigid positioning frame and light or laser beam.
The body model constructed should match the size shown in Table 1Table 1 - Male Dimensional Dimensions
Local Size MM Error MM
[123 ] 1 overall height 1830 ± 40
2 bust maximum 1025 ± 20
3 waist minimum 850 ± 15
4 waist to foot followed by 1150 ± 50
[ 123] 5 shoulders to wrist 610 ± 306 860 ± 40
7 buttocks, maximum 1015 ± 20
8 neck rear center to waist 425 ± 20
9th neck spans the shoulder and arm to the wrist 830 ± 30
5.2 Head Sensor
5.2.1 Principle
Burns Damage prediction system must use a large amount of heat flux sensor, which can directly measure incident heat flux density or provideIt can be used to calculate the heat flux density under test conditions, with surface data of the human model. This information is then predicted by a computer program to predict burns. The calculation is described in Appendix C in Burn.
5.2.2 Number of heat flux sensors
The minimum 100 heat flux sensor should be used in the burns prediction system. They should be distributed evenly in each area of the human body, as shown in Table 2.
Head 7
Torso 40
Arm 16
Thigh 22
Hand / Foot 0
Total 100
Note: The number of sensors currently used in the human body model ranges from 110 to 126 The additional sensor can be added to the hand foot if needed.
5.2.3 Heat flow sensor measurement capabilities. Each thermal flux sensor should have the ability to measure the incident thermal flux density of 0 kW / m2 in the range of more than 200 kilowatts / square meters. This range allows the use of a thermal flux sensor to be used by a flame test of a bare human model to set the exposure level, and heat transfer to the human body model is also measured.5.2.4 Heat current sensor structure. With the known thermal characteristics, the heat flux sensor for measuring the heat flow density or the sensor temperature measurement is used to indicate the thermal flux density and the amount of time varied by the sensor. The outer surface should cover a thin layer of flat black high temperature lacquer (with absorption greater than 0.9). The thermal flux sensor should be equal to or less than 0.1 seconds. A program is described in D.1.8.
Note: Successful sensors include the sensor of Garbun, 蛞蝓 蛞蝓 热仪 and skin mimetic.5.2.5 Heat current sensor calibration. The calibration of the sensor should follow the procedure of attachment D.
5.3 Data Acquisition System. The system should provide an at least twice the measurement of measurement results from each sensor to 120 data acquisition cycles per second. Other requirement data acquisition is included in an attachment DNote: The data acquisition rate from each sensor is a minimum of sufficient information twice a second reading. The sampling rate of each sensor seconds is suitable in the exposure period of the flame. Some laboratory samples during each sensor seconds to 10 times. The minimum speed for each sensor second measurement is the flame full exposure
5.4 Computer software program
5.4.1 General
A computer software programIt should be used to receive the output of the sensor capable of receiving the amount of heat flux density that is incident, and the occurrence of the occurrence of the occurrence of pain, the first degree, the second degree, and the third degree burn, (see Section 5.4.3) ) And predictive levels, secondary, three, and total burns in total (see 5.4.4). Appendix C provides a predictive background information for burns, and the appendix E provides the necessary elements of the computer software program. References provide an operating system and other details, numerical calculation methods to complete the necessary calculations.
5.4.2 The included heat flux is calculated
The incident heat flux density is determined by a bare combustion in the computer software program. Each of the heat flux sensors has a related body model surface area on which a thermal flux density is applied. The reported value is the average of the average of the uniform portion of the naked exposure of the area weighted average. This process is described in D. 2.2.
An area associated with any heat flux sensor, is determined by the positioning equivalent distance to the surrounding heat flux sensor point. These points are connected in line. A particular heat flux sensor is surrounded so that the area formed is its associated surface area.
5.4.3 Prediction Burn CalculationTime, with pain and time at the predicted first, second, and three degrees burn to calculate each sensor by computer software program.
5.4.4 Burn prediction area calculation
The sum of the area represented by a sufficient thermal sensor is received to produce a predicted dimensional burns should predict the dimensional burn area. The sum of the area indicated by receiving sufficient heat to produce a predicted three-degree burn area sensor should be a prediction area of three-degree burn. The sum of these two aspects is the expected total area generated by burn from exposure to the filter.
Note: The prediction of the first-degree burns is not included in this area because the skin remains unchanged, received and second, and the three-degree burn damage is relatively slightly damaged. The prediction and / or time of the first degree of burns can be set to optional information.
5.4.5 Other Computer Software Functions
Computer software can also be used to specify and control procedures (see Chapter 8) to record test conditions (see 8.2.3), To ensure a safety request (see 8.2.4), enter the sample response note (see 8.2.8), and prepare the test report (see 8.2.9)
5.5 Flame exposure chamber
[123 ] 5.5.1 GeneralA ventilation, fire housing, with observation window and inspection gate (S) should provide a human model and exposure device. Its design should allow natural air into the room to expose, and should be equipped with an exhaust system to quickly remove the exposure of indoor gas.After the data acquisition and the time has expired.
5.5.2 laboratory size
Laboratory size should be large enough to provide a flame exposed surface of the sample and allows for conditioning and preventing accidental movement of the combustion vibration the safe operation of mannequins around the device. The minimum internal dimension of 2.1 meters long and 2.1 meters wide, 2.1 meters high was necessary in order to control the flame and sufficient combustion air.
5.5.3 airflow chamber
during the exposure period any air in the laboratory and the free flow occurs or entering or leaving the lab should be sufficient to heat flux required for the desired weight high density combustion process. Immediately after data acquisition cycle, the forced ventilation system should be used for rapid removal of the gaseous products of combustion. Prior to exposure and during data acquisition, the forced air exhaust system should be turned off, thereby providing a quiet atmosphere. You may need to release the pressure at the supply opening and passive exposure required for complete combustion of the fuel air, external to the test chamber.
5.5.4 isolation chamber
laboratories should be separated than the free flow of air required for the combustion process and the like from the air flow, so that the pilot flame and flame exposure unaffected before exposure and during the test, and during the data collection.
5.5.5 exhaust chamber
a forced air exhaust system should have a minimum capacity equal to the volume per minute of the chamber, in order to remove gaseous products from the test exposure result. In addition, a forced air exhaust system may operate at a lower capacity to provide cooling air to a heat flux sensor and the human body model after the chamber has been exhausted combustion gas. Safety devices
5.5.6 chamber
exposure chamber should be equipped with adequate safety devices and detectors, to provide safe operation of the test equipment. These may include propane gas detectors, motion detectors, door closure detectors, fire extinguisher, emergency stop, a flame detector, and that any other necessary equipment.
5.6 and the fuel delivery system
5.6.1 General. The room should be equipped with the fuel supply, delivery and burner systems provide repeatable fire exposure.
5.6.2 fuels. The fuel is propane should meet the requirements of ISO7941.
5.6.3 delivery system. Pipes, pressure regulators, valves and pressure sensor system should provide secure delivery of gaseous fuel ignition system and an exposure torches. The delivery system of an exposure time sufficient to provide at least 84 kW / m of uniform heat flux density of ± 2.5% of at least 8 seconds. The fuel delivery should be controlled to provide an exposure time at the exposure time setting of ± 0.1 S.
Note: This is a suitable delivery system to meet local fire andElectrical specifications and standards.
The exposure time of 2.5 seconds or less is sufficient for testing a single layer of clothing, such as overalls. If the structural fire songs will be tested, long exposure can be as needed.
5.6.4 Burner System5.6.4.1 Passage
The burner system should include a ignition ignition flame each exposure burner, and fully burned to provide The heat flux is in the range of and an attachment D.
Note: The number and position of the burner is specific to the flame exposure, according to the size of the chamber and The position of the passive air supply port. At least 8 burners are necessary, but some laboratory use burner 12 to achieve satisfactory flame distribution. ignition ignition flame
Each exposure burner should be equipped with an ignition-flammable flame positioning near the outlet of the burner instead of the direct path in the flame, so that Obstruct the exposed flame pattern. The flame flame is ignited with a spark ignition system and an auxiliary flame to open the exposure fuel supply valve before the exposure fuel supply valve is visually confirmed. The auxiliary flame should be interlocked to the gas supply valve of the burner so that
prevents premature or erroneous openings of these valves. Burner Type
Big, caused by combustion air, industrial-style propane burner should be positioned in a fake person to produce a uniform laboratory simulation. These combustors will produce a large yellow flame. If desired, the gas jet can be modified or deleted for a fuel air mixture produced by a yellow flame. The single injection nozzle is 0.8 mm to 1.0 mm, which has been found to produce a suitable flame.
The burner should be used and positioned in order to generate satisfactory exposure in the attachment D has reached the designated exposure and uniformity and eight burners, one located at the human body in the knee. Each quadrant of the horizontal and 1 is located at the horizontal level (see Figure 1). Additional burners can be added to a satisfactory flame distribution that cannot be obtained with an 8 burner. Burner positionThe position of the combustor should make the measuring arm, torso, thigh and calf () the average thermal flux density of the body is the entire human body model measured in the medium The average thermofore density of ± 15% is exposed in naked correction in a 4 second.
Note: The position of the position and the direction of the burner should be saved and established processes to check their positioning, if necessary, it is necessary to reposition them. A method for the original positioning method for the combustor, given in D. 2. Operating Instructions for Burners
The operating instructions on the program are provided by the test laboratory and strictly follow them to ensure safety testing. These should include exhaust gas of any previous test series, check the gas detection instrument to ensure that there is no existence of fuel due to leakage, it is ensured that there is no person in the chamber when the ignition system is activated to initiate testing during the test The lumen contains the thermal and the generated combustion product produced by the exposure test exposure, and the ventilation chamber. Fire extinguishing system. The laboratory can be equipped with a fire extinguishing system consistent with the appropriate local fire safety code. Operator's personal protection. Be careful to prevent personnel from entering with the combustion product, smoke and smoke from the flame exposure. Exposure to the gaseous product is prevented by sufficient ventilation of the chamber. Appropriate personal protective equipment should change the human body model of the medicine, to process exposed specimens, clean the dummy test after the exposure of the flame exposure room is worn.
5.7 Image Recording Equipment. A system should be provided to record the visual image of the human body model, during the period and the flame contact. The parents' front should be the original record of burnt exposure, with a record of the rear of the warmer dummy as an option.5.8 Safety Checklist
The nuclear pair should be included in the computer operating system to ensure that all security functions are satisfied, the flame contact can occur. The list should include, but not limited to, here:
1) Confirm that the body model has been properly wearing a sample;
2) Confirm the door of the chamber is closed; [ 123] 3) Confirm that no one is exposed in the flame;
4) Confirm that all security requirements are met.
5.9 Washing Zone: The region maintained at (20 ± 2) ° C and (65 ± 5)% of the relative humidity should be set. It should be large enough, and the hanging sample is circulated around the air.The prediction of the human body model of the instrument to combustion damage - Sample preparation
6 samples and samples
6.1 General
6.1.1 The type of type
The type of test is depends on the purpose of the test, as described in 6.1.4 in 6.1.2.
6.1.2 Clothing / Synthetic Materials Evaluation / Contrast. When used to assess the material, the sample must have the same design and size. Standard costume design, suitable for use in size 6.3.
6.1.3 Clothing / Integrated Design Evaluation / Contrast. When used for assessment, the test sample must be composed of the same material, and it is a standard size and a designed characteristic of the designs.6.1.4 clothing / composite materialNormative evaluation. When used to evaluate clothes or combined materials for specific applications or one specification, the sample should be such a material and clothing / combination design representative of the expected application.
6.2 Sample Number. There are at least three samples from the laboratory sampling unit.6.3 Standard of clothing design. Standard costumes should have a full length metal zipper in front of the suit, no pocket, sleeve or shorts cuffs and no elastic waist, meet the size requirements provided in Table 3 (for those samples that are not specified for those samples). The clothing specified in Table 3 facilitates the specific body model size that should be used relative to the test used in the test. This structure is intended to minimize manufacturing costs. Standard clothing should be used to evaluate / compare materials, as in 6.1.2. Other design is tested, as outlined in 6.1.3 and 6.1.4.
Table 3 - Standard Size Apparer Compare MaterialDimension / location Minimum clothing comfort
(difference value from the body model size)
mm largest Clothing comfort
(Differential from human model size)
Maximum bust 200230
Minimum waist 95115
Maximum Hip circumference 210230
Sleeve long (shoulders along the wrist arm) 05
Pants legs long (crotch pendulum) 0-20
edge long (waist to hem Along the outer legs) 0-20
7 Sample preparation
7.1 Preprocessing
No designated limited use of each sample should be cleaned and followed by ISO6330, once After drying, the following procedure is specified as a performance reference standard or a manufacturer.
Other pretreatments can be used as long as they have a detailed description in the test report, and all samples tested in the test series are exposed to the same pretreatment conditions. If assessment, pretreatment should comply with specifications. Costume designated limited use, no drying or before conditioning.
Note: 1. Washing is for textile materials before the residue construction of the residue is preparative to the post-finishing process.
2. Limited clothing is those who can put on specific purposes, such as cleaning tanks, pesticides, or other harmful chemicals, etc. They usually wear other protective clothing and one after use.Article Source: Qinsun (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.
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