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Swiss company Kistler crash test dummy

After the recent launch of the first crash test dummy THOR-DTI, the Swiss company Kistler strives to become a complete system provider for ATD (crash test dummy). THOR 50TH ATD allows customers to obtain a complete system from one source, including dummy, instrument and integrated digital sensor interface (DTI).

This includes dummy with all instruments (accelerometers, angular rate sensors, dynamometers, 3D deflection measurement, software, calibration equipment, and maintenance contracts covering the supply of spare parts).

THOR-50M represents an adult male with an average weight (77 kg) and height (1.76 m). It has passed the THOR-50M certification program (build level A) of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the European New Car Assessment Organization (NCAP), and has up to 288 measurement channels, which can be used with DTI.
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