for testing the overall thermal protection performance of protective clothing. The system mainly records information on the surface of the dummy under the simulated fire condition, and then estimates the extent of the burns of the dummy and the burns of burns to reflect the overall thermal protection performance of the garment. At the same time, in the environment of fire rescue, industrial production, military battlefield, people may suddenly encounter burning fire, need to wear flame retardant heat shields to avoid human body suffering from hot injuries. Thermal protective clothing excellent performance can not only better strengthen the thermal protection of the human body, but also help operators grasp the fighters, efficient operations, and carry out rescue work. In the combustion dummy system, the dummy surface is generally divided into more than 100 parts of skin block and installs the sensor on each part. Each sensor measured data represents the thermodynamic status parameters of the skin block. It is only necessary to solve each skin block. If the period of burn is evaluated, the overall burn range of the fake person can reflect the overall thermal performance of protective clothing.
According to the physiological characteristics of the skin, the subcutaneous is divided into 3
layers, which are epidermis, leather and subcutaneous tissue. The cross interface of the epidermal and leather is called the base layer, and the junction of the dermal and subcutaneous tissue is referred to as the leather underlayer. Since the skin block surface information can be represented by the data measured by the sensor, it can be simplified into one-dimensional model. At present, the internationally used burn indexing method is a three-degree four-point method, ie divided into one degree, shallow second dimension, deep dimensions and three-scale burn. Article Source: Qinsun (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.
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