What is the meaning of the combustion dummy? The Qinsun will follow you to look at the value of the combustion fake.
In the dangerous environment of fire, people need to avoid flame damage by wearing hot protective clothing. Heat protective clothing is widely used in protecting firefighters, steelmaking workers, and workers engaged in other high temperature dangerous places. As the clothing exposed to the time of the flame, the surface temperature of the clothing gradually increased due to the direct burning of the flame, and a large amount of heat transfer caused the outer air layer and the surface temperature of the human body. The thermal physical properties of the clothing not only the hot physical properties of the fabric itself not only change, but also after leaving the flashfire environment, because the surface temperature of the clothing will remain in a higher range, and with the clothes And the temperature difference between the surface of the human body, continuously producing heat transfer, the surface temperature of the human body continues to rise.
Using the infrared thermal imagery to monitor the temperature change of the clothing surface in combustion dummy system, using the sensor of the combustion dummy table to reflect the temperature change of the skin, analyze the flash fire time, clothing materials and number, and Effect of fitting posture state on surface temperature changes. The combustion dummy provides a reference for the design and development of thermal protective clothing by testing the design and development of thermal protective clothing.
Research using TPP instruments (thermal protection performance tester) for multi-storey protective clothing shows that the outermost fabric has an important impact on the protection of multi-storey protective clothing. Test using TPP instruments, it was found that the heat source of low-heat flow over a long time is more likely to burn more than a severe combustion of a short time. During the actual wear, the thermal protection performance of clothing relies on the performance of the fabric itself, but also needs to be considered from the aspects of clothing style design, specifications, and dressing attitude. In order to simulate the situation of the human body in the actual fire, the test method of the combustion dummy is advantageous.
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