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How to operate the conveyor

Belt conveyor maintenance: In order to ensure the reliable operation of the belt conveyor, the most important thing is to find and eliminate possible faults in time. To this end, the operator must observe the working condition of the conveyor at any time, and deal with it in time if any abnormalities are found. It is important that mechanical workers make regular rounds and inspect any situations or components that require attention. An idler, for example, may not be important, but a high-speed belt that conveys wear material can quickly wear through its shell, leaving a cutting edge that can seriously damage an expensive belt. Trained workers or experienced workers can detect impending accidents in time and prevent them before they occur. The belt of the belt conveyor accounts for a considerable proportion of the overall conveyor cost. In order to reduce the cost of replacing and repairing conveyor belts, it is necessary to pay attention to the training of operators and maintenance personnel on the operation and maintenance knowledge of conveyor belts.


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